contemporary art

Ewa Malgorzata Tatar

Ewa Malgorzata
Born in 1981, Kielce, Poland, lives and works in Krakow and Gdnask. An Art historian who works as a curator, art critic, editor. Interested in institutional critique (cycles of the artist-in-residence project in National Museum in Krakow, 2005-7, 2011) and curating as a method of art history (short sotry of Ładnie Group, 2008 - book; On the vulcano. Krzysztof Niemczyk, 2010, and Wyspa. Now is now,2012 - exhibitions).

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Andrzej Szczerski


Associate professor, lecturer in Institute of Art History, Jagiellonian University. Guest lecturer in Goethe University in Frankfurt (2003) and St Andrews University (2004). President of Polish Section of International Association of Art Critics AICA. Author of publications on 20th century and contemporary Polish and Central European art including "Patterns of Identity. The Reception of British Art in Central Europe c. 1900" (Kraków 2002) and "Modernizations. Art and architecture in the new states of Central-Eastern Europe 1918-1939" (Łódź 2010). Curator of exhibition "Modernizations.

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