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Visegrad Summer School


We would like to inform you that we have completed recruitment for the 22nd edition of...

We are happy to announce that we are starting our recruitment process for the 22nd...

As we approach the end of...

Photos available at the Photogallery section

Enjoy the pictures form the Inauguration Day. Next coming soon.
Author: Paweł Mazur, © Villa Decius Association

Burning issues in the region

László Rajk

Participants Editorial: From Visegrad Insight...

Visegrad – adventures are closer than you think

Regional values

An Evaluation of the E.U. Presidencies. Political...

Another feature of the opening day of the eleventh edition of the Visegrad Sumer School was the Debate, evaluating the E.U. Presidencies of the Visegrad countries.



