
Have you voted for Visegrad Summer School yet?

Have you voted for Visegrad Summer School yet? smiley

It's only a week left and we still need some of your votes to win! smiley
Let's win together! smiley

VSS 2016 Movie



See the movie from 15. edition of the Visegrad Summer School.

Europe from Visegrad Perspective - joint MA in International Relations

Joint MA in International Relations: Europe from Visegrad Perspective announces the last admission round for  2016/2017 academic year. Deadline is September 14, 2016. 

Jill-Francis Käthlitz - know her better

Our intern and participant of 15. VSS in her natural environment. Jill is falling in love with the Lower Sorbian language and culture, she is writing and publishing Lower Sorbian poetry and children’s stories. Literature and languages are her greatest passion.

Free Aslı Erdoğan!

Dear Friends,

Aslı Erdoğan from Turkey, who was our literary scholar last year, was arrested and is kept in prison in Istanbul accused for terrorism.

Please sign the petition which we created and don’t stay silent. If you can, please send it to your friends and ask to join us.



